Wednesday, July 16, 2008


i was just thinking the other day, i dont know y, but about the daays. doesnt it suck thinking when ur about to go to bead that when u wake up yesterday wont be yesterday anymore? and then tomorow will be today. its so insecure. then yesterday becomes the day before yesterday and the day before yesterday becomes just the plain old past. its mixed in with all the other days of your life, no matter the level of significance. u can no longer call yesterday yesterday. that sucks cause then it gets into the whole conflict of last week or last month or just plain old monday, which sucks because its hard enough trying to figure out the day of the week it is today since all ur thinking about is that u want it to be friday. its like a file on ur computer and as u put new files into a folder, the other files have to be put into a big drive where u cant find anything let alone remember wat that file was even all about.

it sucks thinking that when u wake up it wont be tomorow anymore, jusst today and yesterday wont be yesterday anymore, but i guess its worth it, cause u no, if theres no past there can never be a future.

now that would suck.

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